
What you TRY is what you GET

Nothing is free in this world; everything has a price. Anybody who pays the price can walk out with it. The price may be hard work, taking the risk, working overtime or sacrificing a favourite pastime. To excel in our chosen field, we have to discover what it takes to be the best, like time, practice, commitment, sacrifice or self denial. Success is never on sale; it is a matter of deciding how much you want to pay. Emerson said that our primary need in life is to get somebody who will shape us with what we have. At some point of time, that somebody makes his or her appearance like a parent, friend or teacher. But when we become adults we have to become that somebody. We need self-discipline to realise and release our potential to reveal our full personality. Self discipline is merely controlling ourselves and if we don’t do that, someone else will exercise control over us. We may not be able to control circumstances but we can definitely control our response to such situation...

The Journey to Discover Oneself

We come into this world with nothing and depart with nothing. The possessions we accumulate during our lifetime, physically, phychologically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally are all mere confirmations of living. They satisfy the ego saing that everything is well. So, when we are accumulating, the egon equates that with comfort. If we were to lose ground in any of these areas, which the ego sees as loss, doscomfort or threat, then the ego equates that with death. Therefore, ego is a useful thing to meet the physical needs of life. However, trouble starts when ego perceives threats that are emotional, psychological or mental in nature. To the ego on the physical plane, comfort means life; anything that threatens is death. On the emotional, psychological and mental levels, we are free to make our own intelligent decisions. By not exercising that free will, we leave the decision to the ego, which will operate on instince, depending whether it is life-giving, or life-threateni...

Select a value and make it a focal point

Successful people never think of themselves as successful. They arrive and that is what keeps them going. It is continual learning, everyday, moment to moment. When you do something tomorrow, you should be able to do it better. They say that most destinations are illusions. The journey itself is the destination. It is passion, the wonderful experience that makes the journey enjoyable. Chaos is oxygen for them, which dribes them to creativity. They define nothing like goals, destination or menoeuvre. They say that chaos and confusion are productive. It helps to fuel the passion. Successful people like challenge, which gives satisfaction in finding a solution and gets results. One should develop an inner initiative to do things and enjoy results. Nothing should appear as work but only as play, as a game to win to lose. It is better to pursue a dream that gives energy and exitement to the individual. No decision should be made when one is emotional. Whenever one is at a hei...

No formula works consistently

Gordon Mc Kenzie, the Creative Director of Hallmakr Cards, in his book Orbiting The Giant Hairball menitioned that during the early past of his careet, he visited elementary schools to teach creative thinking. He entered the first grade class and asked “How many artists do I have in this room? All hands went up. When repeated the same question in the second grade, the number droped to 80 percent. In the third grade it was fifty percent. In the fifth grade only 3 or 4 hands went up and in the sixth grade, there was only one. What happens when we grow older? We can’t draw, we can’t speak, we can’t perform. We attribute that to our parents who gave us bad genes. Over and above, the teacher, boss and others in authority tell us, “You are not good; you can’t do this or that” and wse believe it. Suddenly, we become a collection of ‘Cants’. Negative thoughts dominate and many of us sit in awe and wonder when others succeed. Any significant change in life starts with the words ‘I can...

Life is an endless unfolding process

Albert Einstein said once: There are only two ways to live i.e. as if everything is a miracle or as if nothing works. Often when life shatters us and sends us tumbling in terror towards the unknown, we seek comforting words to reduce our pain. When his child suddenly died, Einstein wrote to friends: “When the expected course of everyday life is interrupted, we realise that we are like ship-wrecked people, trying to keep their balance on a wooden plank in the open sea, having forgotten where they came from and not known whither they are drifting?” When I was in school, I distinctly remember a person who did odd jobs including cooking, carrying water, washing buffaloes etc. With great difficulty he educated his two sons who initially needed some monetary help but later went on their own steam, getting scholarships, prizes and incentives at the school, college and university. They did their engineering, went abroad and invited the parents to join them. They said: “Son, we have done o...

Life is a Journey of Self-Discovery

What we need most in this life is for someone to tell us the truth. And truth is that very few situatins are going to come into our lives that we don’t cause to happen. This is the most important concept of life, which many don’t understand. Everyday becomes a puzzle if we are going to wait for a certain person to call, wait for that overdue promotion, wait for the ripe time to write the book, waiting to lose weight or for circumstances to get better. It is never going to happen and it will remain a mere dream. For example, if you want to be with someone at this moment, do you wait or take some action? If you want more money right now, are you going to wait or take some action? Well, action is the key. We get what we want when we believe that taking action is what make things, happen. We may intend many things but without action they remain as intentions. Do we wait for fate or God to make things happen or we make our own dreams to become true? Success, money, excitement, adven...

If you Believe it, it is So

It is a fact that most of us who are in mental prison have a poor self concept of ourselves. This poor self-concept has caused us making unwise choices. All those who do not feel positive about themselves will make unwise choices. The beginning of making a sense out of our lives is to see ourselves as useful human beings. If we are not able to comprehend our value as individuals, we will not be motivated to alter our lives for the better. How do we change reality and transform our lives? Whether we are destined to be what we are or whether we are capable of transforming our lives is a million-dollar question. We don’t have the time of luxury to consider ourselves incapable of becoming what we are capable of. If we look around there are many who have made big shifts in their lives. We need not waste time thinking that we can’t transform our lives too. The first step in transforming ourselves is to believe that change is possible. There is no power holding us back. We can disco...