Be Yourself – Who else is better Qualified?

“Nothing can come of nothing”, said William Shakespeare. Striving for success without hardwork is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted. What you believe becomes futile, unless it wakes you up from your dream and you start working. We have seen people working hard and producing results, when others talk about it.

Wat Whitman wrote a poem “There is a man in the world who never gets turned down wherever he chances to stray’ he gets the glow hand in the populous town or out where the farmers make hay; He is treeted with pleasure on the deserts of sand and deep in the isles of the woods, wherever he goes there is a welcoming hand and he is the man who delilvers the goods.”

When it comes to excuses, the world is full of them. There is no point in wasting life boasting in what you are going to do and later explaining why you did not do it?

There was a man who was standing at the edge of a pool where there were sharks. The owner challenged anyone who can swim among the sharks shall be gifted a thousand dollars. One man seemed to jump frantically trying to escape the sharks. He succeeded to avoid them and he climbed up, and the owners offered him a thousand dollars as promised. The man said: “Before I accept this, I would like to know who pushed me into the pool!”

Never complain and never explain. Admitting failure evens the score and proves that you are wiser than before. Doing a job right is always easier than fabricating an alibi and wasting your energy.

Raiph Waldo Emerson said: “It is impossible for man to be cheated by anyone but himself.” People become excited when a shopkeeper by mistake gives back change more than what was expected, but they are really cheating themselves because that extra money will never remain with them but will get lost in some subsequent transaction. It is the law of compensation that works always.

There was a man who declined a promotion to a far off town because he had two teenage daughters to be married. His argument was “If I had accepted the promotion, I would be staying alone without moving my family and that would have been double expenditure with the benefit of promotion neutralised. May be, I have lost monetarily but I have gained emotionally. Afterall, the family gives you stability and dividing them would have been a disaster!”

The lesson which life repeats and constantly reinforces is “The great opportunity is where you are. Do not despise your present and the predicament. Everyday is the best day of the year. Great opportunities come to all but many ignore it, don’t recognise it but the man who wants to succeed exploits it. In the Bible, NOAH did not wait for his ship to come; he built one. He expected with others when the floods came. Everyday comes bearing its own gifts. We have to only untie the ribbon and look inside.

Epicurus said: “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not. Remember, that what you have was once among the things only hoped for.” Almost everything, comes from almost nothing. We may not be able to do everything but we can do some small things which may open the door for bigger things. Success has nothing to do with speed but more to do with timing, direction and action.

It was Abraham Lincoln who said: “Have a time and place for everything. You will not only accomoplish more but have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying. The problem is that many a go-getter never stops being enough to let opportunity catch up with him.

There is a great distance between most people’s dreams and the results they achieve. It is due to the difference in their commitment to bring together all options of their ability and to focus them upon one point.

In order to succeed you must know three things. 1) What to eliminate. 2) What to preserve. 3) When to say no because developing the power to say no gives us the capacity to say yes. When a winner makes a mistake, he says: “I was wrong.” When a loser makes a mistake, he says” “It was not my fault.” A winner confesses: a loser confuses!

Excellence measures a man by the height of his ideals, the breadth of his compassion, the depth of his conviction and the length of his conviction and the length of his persistence. What you stand for or fail for, decides your destiny!


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