An attitude of Wholeness is required

Most people go along day-by-day following an easy existence and taking the most important blessings of life like Health and Serenity for granted. They talk about many projects to improve their prospects, standard of living, level of happiness and so on, but put them off without doing anything about it.

This happens because they are never inspired and are never forced into action by some sudden turn of events. Consequently, they exist and die without reaching anywhere near their full potential. I know a person who suddenly retired without any planning, put his retirement benefits in a Co-operative Bank to get higher returns and suddenly the bank collapsed and all the money was lost. He searched for a job but could not get a suitable one and one day passed away leaving his widow penniless.

The widow was an intelligent woman and she set up a beauty parlour, which began on a small scale but flourished in due course of time.

Each one of us has within us that which is necessary to remake the world. The principal motivational force behind it, is only our personal commitment dedicating ourselves to the process of living our lives fully. Our lives are original documents, which we alone can create.

There is a hidden power within each of us. It is ours and ours only, to draw upon whenever we wish. It lies dormant till our awareness is awakened to use them. Whether we place our trust in scriptures, history, science, reason, commonsense or intuition, all evidence suggests that strong families are the only hope for the future of mankind. Individually, we may try to improve the community but our efforts will be in vain, unless the families as a unit combine to increase community strength.

If our homes are places of discipline, self-respect and hope, then only the community and nation has a future. Michael Noval said: “If things go well with the family life is worth living. When the family falters, life falls apart”.

Some men are like the stump, the old farmer had in his field; too hard to uproot, too knotty to split, too wet and soggy to burn.

His neighbours asked the farmer what he proposed to do about it?” The farmer answered, “I will plough around it, sow around it, raise crops around it and allow it to remain where it is. A major reason why many of us hold ourselves back from living life to the fullest is because of our unwillingness to see ourselves as we really are. We think that the way we are is just the way we are supposed to be. We do not think enough about what we could become?

Well, life may not turn out exactly the way we planned it. But, the truth is that we need to be happy right now. To be otherwise, is simply waste of time. Remember, that we should assess, do introspection and determine our worth and potential create an agenda, a roadmap and proceed ahead to achieve whatever we want to.

One of the secrets to the mysteries of life is relishing that there is more to life than we realise, calculate and expect. Life is actually a collection of feelings, desires, dreams, doubts, pains, joys, aspirations and disappointments.

Every moment we are sizing up our lives comparing it to others. The fact that we are unique escapes our comprehension and we always remain in the crowd.

Remember that success is in the being not in the doing. One of the greatest gifts one can give to another is the expansion of the mind because a mind expanded never returns to its original shape or size. Like Sant Tukaram who was carrying a bundle of sugarcane home for the children. But other children on the way asked, took away and while reaching home had just one, which he said was for the God.

The great poet Kalidasa, in his Raghuvamsam describes the manner in which Aja Maharaja administered his Kingdom. He said: “The King’s behaviour was such that all his subjects thought he alone was very dear or close to the King”.

A devotee should have a similar feeling. He should think that he alone is nearest to the divine. The poet asks “What happens to god people when bad things happen to them? Well, they became better people”. Buck Rodgers said: “Any road to reaching ones maximum potential must be built on bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence and a rejection of mediocrity”. Light is not all positive, darkness is not all negative, the night is not the enemy of day time; energy is not opposite of matter.
They are all aspects of the same whole. Similarly, we are all not separate but we are one, a spark of the same flame, which is eternal and permanent.


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