Everything in Nature moves in cycles

My teacher used to say, “The greatest danger we face is goin through life being unaware of ourselves and what we may be missing. All of us are vulnerable. I can sahre ideas and concepts, but ultimately the wisdom you attain will come through your own experience. All of us have different exposures and experiences in life. If we spend our lives trying to be someone else, we are going to experience a lot of frustration and disappointment. We should be what we really are.”

We cannot overvalue or undervalue ourselves. We experience life on different emotional levels. We should focus on seeing life more realistically. Being positive is being able to accept ourselves as we are, because we spend most of our time with ourselves. If we want accomplish anything in life, we have to move on. We have to overcome or vault over obstacles and barriers, whenever they appear.

We have to develop a winning edge. William Faulkner once lamented that the saddes thing in life is the only thing we can do for 8 hours a day, day after day and that is work. We can’t eat for 8 hours day; we can’t make love for 8 hours a day. All that we can do is work and why not enjoy it, make it a play and win the game, if we can.

Many of our days are not peak experiences. They are plateus with nothing exciting going on. Sometimes, it is PITS when things go wrong. When we receive bad news we are in the dumps. When we receive good news we are in the heights. We, as human beings all want happiness; yet it is elusive, far away, beyond reach. Many believe that we are not built to be happy; rather we are built to survive and reproduce to maintain and continue the species. Working hard and raising children may not make us happier. But the mere belief keeps us functioning, prospering, enabling us to pass on ideas and values to the children.

Nature always takes time. Great oaks don’t grow in one day. Diamonds are not formed in a week. Pearls are formed consuming time. To get one ounce of gold we have to move tons of dirt. To form character, we have to give up, sacrifice, deny and abandon the many materialistic attractive things of the world. And to attain enlightenment, all the darkness has to be banished and obliterated.

The Universal Law says, “Mix with critical people and we learn to criticise. Mix with happy people and we learn about happiness. Mix with sad people and we learn what is sorrow. Mix with enthusiastic people and we become enthusiastic. Mix with propperous people and they inspire us to become prosperous. It is a combination of we, the people we come across and the environment.

We gravitate in the direction of our dominant thoughts. So watch what you think. It will be programmed in the subconscious mind. For example, you set a goal and imagine that the goal is achieved. The subconscious mind will programe the mind to fulfil what you had planned. The saying is, “If you are serious about changing your life, get furious about changing the environment”

Karl Wallenda, the aerialist fell to his death in 1978 while travcersing a 75 foot high wire in San Juan, Puerto Rico. His wife also an aerialist discussed that famous incident thus, “Karl was a fearless aerialist who just walked on the wire not giving a thought to consequences. But for the past three months prior to the tragedy he was only thinking of “Not falling”. This was the first time that such a thought entered his mind. He put all his energies into not falling rather than walking the tight rope.

On that day, he personally supervised the installation of the rope to make certain that the wires were secure”. She confirmed “When Karl concentrated all his energy from not falling, he failed. People now call this negative focus as “Wallenda Factor.”
A certain coach was not very happy when his team consistently won all the torurnaments. When they failed the 50th time he said, “Great! Now we can start concentrating on winning and not on losing”. As occasional jolt wakes up the person or team and revitalises the energy to aim at winning. William Smith, Chairman of Quaker Oats after 2 major failures said, “Failure is good. It is like learning to SKI. If you are not falling down, you are not learning.” One need not hail failure, but certainly can profit by them. Without failure there is no victory. Everything moves in cycles. You can never know what you can accomplish until and unless you try. So give a chance to victory to happen. Knock on the door leading to your destiny.


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