Select a value and make it a focal point

Successful people never think of themselves as successful. They arrive and that is what keeps them going. It is continual learning, everyday, moment to moment. When you do something tomorrow, you should be able to do it better. They say that most destinations are illusions. The journey itself is the destination. It is passion, the wonderful experience that makes the journey enjoyable. Chaos is oxygen for them, which dribes them to creativity. They define nothing like goals, destination or menoeuvre. They say that chaos and confusion are productive. It helps to fuel the passion.

Successful people like challenge, which gives satisfaction in finding a solution and gets results. One should develop an inner initiative to do things and enjoy results. Nothing should appear as work but only as play, as a game to win to lose. It is better to pursue a dream that gives energy and exitement to the individual. No decision should be made when one is emotional. Whenever one is at a heightened state of emotion, negative of positie, his mind is racing and conclusions gets distorted.

When I was in the police, whenever there was a crisis, I used to withdraw, sit alone, contemplate and think of the problem in a detached dispassionate way, come to decision, right or wrong and execute it to the best of my ability. Mostly, it went right because balanced thinking gets that additional edge to differentiate what is right and what is wrong. For e.g. a decision to open fire on a voilent crowd outnumbering the police present, is a critical decision, which may end in death. In such a situation controlle dfiring gives the safety net, to survive.

In order to be right in decision making, you need a real focus. You need to focus on one positive outcome, which also means eliminating any negative outcome or damaging decision. Decision hinges on a deep belief of mining a treasure. A belief is not merely an idea that the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind. Children, for e.g. have an opinion of their own. It is because they have no intuitions. They are not afraid of the outcome but go ahead with what they want to do. Adults, calculate, manipulate and alter their thoughts suiting their beliefs and circumstances.

Worrying too much about what other people think will hold us back from what we want to be. We need to be our own man or woman. All of us have various reasons for living. Some want to be famous; some want to survive and some popular. There must be more to the meaning of life that being attractive, accomplished, aducated, popular or wealthy. If really we want to live a more meaningful life, we must see that we get together, help each other, push or pull each other, so that we may reach some place other than where we are standing.

Many people who have already attained the so called prizes of life, take their lives for granted, until a severe jolts gets thedown again to get up and fight life’s battles. Although, it is easy to give up and live an average life, circumstances are demanding, challenges come and ultimately we realise that there is a mission assigned to us. If we are unable to see ourselves as we are with our assets and liabilities, extra qualities and limitations, we are obviously destined to make a lot of mistakes and poor choices. Strength springs from weakness when a strong desire is present. In every profession, there are four functions to be performed. First is creatibe work i.e. inventive, discovering or developing new ideas. Second is adminsitrative work i.e. making plans and policies for the conduct and supervision of the entire business or project. Third is executive work i.e. directing and work of others in actually carrying out plans and policies in one or more departments. Fourth in line work i.e. performing some individual task involving no responsibility for others.
Remember that nature is a wonderful book, full of profound meaning which is open to all of us and which all of us can read. But it is also a dark mine which conceals, treasures in its depths. The skill lies in digging those treasures, apropriating them for the benefit of all, including ourselves. As a great Buddha said: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought and what we have not thought”. So, if we think rightly, there is nothing good or bad, as the results wills show in due course. People are happy and fulfilled when their lives are consistent with their highest values and their innermost convictions. High performing peoples are clear about what they believe and stand for. The secret is to select a value and make it a focal point, which ultimately will shape your destiny.


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