Be Good to others to expect the Best

Whether you like to work alone or rub shoulders with other people; whether you would like to go and meet people or people to come to you; whether you like a sophisticated aesthetic atmosphere or a rough and tumble competitive atmosphere; your task in human relations have a lot to do with your selection of what you want to do. If you don’t enjoy human relations whether in the office or at home, you will shomehow get fed up with the routine with no medium to acquire or give information.

Unfortunately, there are 3 common excuses, which many people give for not doing what they like to do. First, “I haven’t the time.” Well, this is fixed for everyone; either you have to create it or waste it without doing anything substantial. My neighbour, for example, who retired from government service says, “Where is the time from morning till evening, you are engaged in solving domestic problems? My sone and daughter-in-law go for work and I have to take care of their children. Then, I must have my afternoon rest, reading newspapers, watching television and attend telephone calls. I just don’t have the time.

The second category says, “I haven’t the money. I spent all my savings in educating my children who are abroad. They are in a different world, don’t come here and are completely lost in their own activities. I don’t have the money to go and meet them. So, we are stuck where we are, awaiting Yamas’ arrival and ending this existence.

The third type says “My folks won’t approve.” It means that he can’t take any independent decision without consulting his wife or son. Well, his folks won’t approve any action he contemplates, because they are loaded with different attitudes instead of establishing harmony and coalescing the different views into one. So, ultimately, no action is taken and it is status quo.

In the Japanese company Matsushita, each employee is taught certain basic principles, beliefs and values of the firm. Some of them are: 1) One can do national service through industry by initiating welfare measure, creating commitment etc. 2) One can be fair in eliminating partisanship, unfair means, manipulation etc. 3) One can develop harmony and a co-operative spirit through joint efforts, sharing credit, owning failure etc. 4) One can struggle for the betterment of others fro which you can get a share like a small dot on the canvas of life. 5) One can develop courtest and humility as practiced by great men like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King (Jr) who thought big and behaved generously eliminating the ‘I’ factor and always were concerned about others and the world. 6) One can develop flexibility, adjustment and assimilation ie accomodating others’ views if they are valid. 7) One can develop an attitude of gratitude.

The fact, Matsushita triumphed, because they could balance rationalism of the West with the spiritualism of the East. In fact, ultimately the inherent benefit they got were clarity, certainty and perfection. We know that the inherent nature of human relationship involves ambituity, uncertainty and mperfection. The solution is to balance and integrate the needs of both and achieve positive results in the bargain.

Looking at our own country, we can say that corruption, violence, criminality and valueless existence are all because the people as a whole have to be imbibed with self-respect, sense of honour, self-discipline and citizenship virtues, and a sense of belonging. When these are not practiced, people crave for status symbols like police escort, costly cars, huge mansions, a battery of servants etc. For example, in India even a labourer wears a watch, but does not come on time for work, whereas, in Japan they export watches and clocks but come to work before time.

Marting Luther King (Jr) said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands during moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge, crisis and controversy.” Many people run away during hot situations, because of lack of guts to face them. Kim-Woo-Choong, creator and founder of Korean giant, Daewoo srote in his book, “Having achieved my dreamof making Daewoo, a global giant, I had another dream to have quality control and that I could do only because my dreams were shared by my colleagues.”
If life is good, attitude is good. When things are bad, still attitude should be good. The difference between a good mother, and a great mother, a good salesman and a great salesman is the development of good attitude. What we don’t have, need not interfere with what we have. In total, a good approach and attitude is intrinsic and if practiced, can only bring back goodness, prosperity and victory.


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