What you TRY is what you GET
Nothing is free in this world; everything has a price. Anybody who pays the price can walk out with it. The price may be hard work, taking the risk, working overtime or sacrificing a favourite pastime. To excel in our chosen field, we have to discover what it takes to be the best, like time, practice, commitment, sacrifice or self denial. Success is never on sale; it is a matter of deciding how much you want to pay. Emerson said that our primary need in life is to get somebody who will shape us with what we have. At some point of time, that somebody makes his or her appearance like a parent, friend or teacher. But when we become adults we have to become that somebody. We need self-discipline to realise and release our potential to reveal our full personality. Self discipline is merely controlling ourselves and if we don’t do that, someone else will exercise control over us. We may not be able to control circumstances but we can definitely control our response to such situation...