What you TRY is what you GET

Nothing is free in this world; everything has a price. Anybody who pays the price can walk out with it. The price may be hard work, taking the risk, working overtime or sacrificing a favourite pastime. To excel in our chosen field, we have to discover what it takes to be the best, like time, practice, commitment, sacrifice or self denial. Success is never on sale; it is a matter of deciding how much you want to pay.

Emerson said that our primary need in life is to get somebody who will shape us with what we have. At some point of time, that somebody makes his or her appearance like a parent, friend or teacher. But when we become adults we have to become that somebody. We need self-discipline to realise and release our potential to reveal our full personality. Self discipline is merely controlling ourselves and if we don’t do that, someone else will exercise control over us. We may not be able to control circumstances but we can definitely control our response to such situations.

Thomas Merton said, “We do not exist for ourselves and it is only when we are fully convinced of this fact, that we begin to like ourselves which means desiring to live, accepting life as a great gift not because of what is gives us, but because of what it enables us to give others.” For eg when I was in the police, many poor people had approached me for some job for survival and I used to keep a record of their names and addresses. At the time of recruitment to fill up vacancies or while raising a new battalion, I used to call them and if found fit in all aspects, recruit them as constables, cooks, water-carrier’s or safai-karmacharies depending on their qualification and suitability to discharge such duties. Well, my belief was that goodness gets multiplied and comes back multifold some grab or the other.

The world mirrors back life the way we see or look at things. The saying is, “What you see is what you get. Avoid habitual thinking to get out of the rut. Expand the mind and keep it as it is. If you see things only one way, as you are programmed, then you have no choices. Life is the reality full of infinite choices.” We make mistakes are our lifetime physically, psychologically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally are all confirmations of living.

I had a friend who used to make a list of things that needed to be done like visiting the doctor, purchasing essential commodities or paying the fees of the children at school or remitting the installment of a loan on the due date. Then he marked the priority item with a red pencil. Everyday, he started with item number one and worked on it until he completed it. Then he started with item number two and so on.

Once an American team visited Japan to study the innovative measures the Japanese adopted in Toyota company. when the Americans questioned them about what inspired their thinking, they said, “We learnt it all from Henry Ford’s book Today and Tomorrow published in 1926. In that Book Ford had said, “Wealth was once measured in gold. Now it is measured in what we know.”

A Management Guru says, “Your career success depends mostly on communication and the technical expertise you have. Nations are isolated due to lack of expert communication skills. Students are in a mess because they don’t listen to teachers. Politicians don’t listen to voters except at the time of elections. Suppliers don’t listen to customers with the result that there is tremendous miscommunication between groups. Therefore, writing, reading and speaking are essential in any interaction or exchange between parties.

Many people fail to perform and deliver because they stand in their own way of progress. When we are dissatisfied and depressed, we are disconnected, because the circumstances are not what we want, Gandhiji said that if someone slaps on one cheek, show the other cheek, which does not mean cowardice but a positive mental attitude to confuse the assailant does not know how to proceed further.

Reverend Robert Schuller spoke of three fundamental ingredients for success namely faith, focus and follow through which leads to fulfillment. Keep the mind focused on what you want and not on what you don’t want. Faith is stepping out into nothing and landing on something.
When we have faith. We create our own circumstances, our own opportunities, to achieve what we had intended in the beginning. The only precaution is to avoid overloading our brain with trivial things and not to get into a run but keep moving forward.


Unknown said…
I am a great fan of your articles already.
Simple n brief thought provoking article. I never missed whenever I got an opportunity to read The Hitavada.
Simple n brief thought provoking article. I never missed whenever I got an opportunity to read The Hitavada.
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
I am a huge fan of your...i regularly read your articles in hitvada Sunday's insight .
SRC said…
Thank you so much sir..... I always want to read more.... Because of you... You inspired me alot every time....
Gulshan Sinha said…
Exceptional article writer I feel very energetic when I read your any article.And I also want to become a motivational writer and orator.

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